
say "Good Night"

  This is a pretty quiet and beautiful city which a large river runs through. Around the surrounding hills, the river pass the center of the city, disappear in the mountains beyond.

  I stood in the city's ancient walls and took a long look at the sunset, to say good night.

  Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto
  D810 AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED ISO100,5s


Hanabi at Kaibama

What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. 

-- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

It is said, in Japan, August is the season for the dead. Japanese hold some memorial services like Bon Odori(dance), Hanabi(fire works) to remember their ancestors and pray for the repose of people who were killed by the calamity. 

Yesterday I visited Kaibama, a beach of city Fukushima which was hit by tsunami happend in the Tohoku earthquake in year 2011. The Kaibama Hanabi was not so large but it represented by a sincere message of condolence to the over 2000 dead souls. 

Hope the souls flying in the air will find their rest.

Place: Kaibama,Haramachi,Fukushima
Date: 8 Aug,2015